




A self-professed ‘music nerd’, David’s love of learning and passion for music permeates through every note he plays. Taking private lessons at a young age kickstarted an insatiable thirst for knowledge, but beyond the theory and historical context – music became a conduit for abstract ideas, philosophies, and mind opening perceptions of the depths of the human experience. In short, musical expression is a fundamental pillar of David’s character. An introvert at heart, music quickly become his ideal mode of expression, the better the clarity, nuance, and feeling, the better the message. And David draws from every available facet of experience and knowledge to craft as closely to heartfelt conversation as possible.  Every experience of joy, despair, laughter, leisure, and toil is one he needs to explore and understand through music, and in turn craft and heighten that experience to share with the world.

David has written and performed everything to metal, hip hop, reggae, pop, jazz and country. But his current projects lie in homage to his early adolescence. It’s a cross section of hip hop, indie, and jazz – where the hip hop and soul grooves are a vessel to explore earnest songwriting and facilitate grounds for new levels of guitar virtuosity. Walking a fine line between pensive restraint, and manic exuberance.

 David James is a full time performer, private instructor, and revered guitarist in the Detroit Area. David co wrote and recorded a song for the Detroit Pistons and has also performed at larger venues like Little Cesars Arena, Magic Stick, St Andrews Hall, 20 Front Street, and MGM Casino.

For All Business Inquiries Contact Dave@DavidJamesArtist.com